Ayurvedic Nighttime Rituals For A Serene Mind: Tailored For Each Dosha

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, it's becoming increasingly challenging to find the tranquillity needed for a good night's sleep. Blue light, late night Netflix binges and the stresses of the day all impair the quality of our sleep and make it harder to enter deep rest.

Ayurveda teaches us that sleep is essential for repair and rejuvenation. When we sleep well, our mind and body is able to heal itself and we feel more connected to our dharma (our soul’s purpose).

Ayurveda, sleep and understanding the doshas

Ayurvedic nighttime rituals for a serene mind: tips & rituals for each dosha for depression and anxiety

In Ayurveda, sleep troubles often stem from excess Pitta energy (from 10pm-2am) and Vata energy (from 2am-6am) which impact the nervous system and mind. Many people often wake up during the Vata time and have a hard time falling back asleep due to restlessness, overthinking and worrying about the previous day or the future. 

While everybody’s causes and symptoms look different, Ayurveda offers an array of nighttime rituals to help calm mind, body and soul, and promote a restful night’s sleep. Understanding your dominant dosha, or unique mind-body constitution, can help you tailor your lifestyle choices and behaviours to improve the quality of your sleep. 

Discover your own constitution through Dr Kaushal's dosha quiz.

Ayurvedic evening rituals for each dosha

Here are a number of Ayurvedic practices specific to your dosha type that can help you to unwind and relax before bed.

Vata Dosha - air and space

Characteristics: Vata embodies qualities of dryness, coldness and lightness. People with a dominant Vata dosha tend to be creative, energetic, but can also be prone to anxiety and insomnia.


  1. Abhyanga (Oil Massage): give yourself a soothing body massage to calm a restless mind and tune in to your body. Focus on your feet to ground your energy. Try our Surrender Vata Body Oil to help you decompress after a long day.
  2. Spiced Warm Milk: drink a cup of warm milk with a pinch of cinnamon and half a teaspoon of our Organic Shatavari Powder to help relax a racing mind.
  3. Meditation: Practice a short guided meditation focusing on grounding and relaxation.

Top tip: avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed as they can irritate the Vata dosha.

Pitta Dosha - fire and water

Characteristics: Pitta doshas are typically passionate, determined, and competitive. They may struggle with overheating and irritability. Sleep imbalances usually relate to difficulty falling asleep.


  1. Chamomile Tea: Sip on chamomile tea to soothe Pitta's intensity and cool down any internal heat.
  2. Abhyanga (Oil Massage): Take a cool bath or shower and give yourself a body massage with our Spirited Kapha Body Oil to help you calm any irritability.
  3. Cooling breathwork and aromatherapy: Use cooling essential oils and breathing techniques to balance Pitta's fiery nature. Try breathing in through the nose and then out through the mouth and visualise putting out an overactive fire in your abdomen (your firepit). Spray our Sleep Dharma Pillow Mist with cooling lavender, chamomile, and geranium to enhance the exercise and fall asleep more easily.

Top tip: avoid spicy foods and caffeine before bed as they can aggravate Pitta dosha.

Kapha Dosha - water and earth

Characteristics: Kapha types have qualities of stability, calmness and patience but can be prone to sluggishness and depression.


  1. Body Combing: Use our Kansa Comb Massage Tool and Spirited Kapha Body Oil before your evening shower to stimulate circulation and invigorate Kapha's lethargic energy.
  2. Golden Milk: Brew a cup of our favourite antioxidant-rich turmeric golden milk to prevent nighttime heaviness.
  3. Deep Breathing: Practice deep diaphragmatic breathing to infuse energy into your system and overcome Kapha's tendency to feel lethargic in the evening.  Try rubbing Sleep Dharma Calm Balm on temples and wrists to stimulate the senses.

Top tip: avoid heavy, fatty and sweet foods before bed as they can provoke kapha imbalance and irritability.

Here are some additional tips for promoting a serene mind before bed:

Practice Yoga Nidra in bed to enter deep relaxation. Light our Sundaram & Silence Essential Oil Candle to help you switch off and find more tranquillity.

  • Disconnect from all devices at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted from screens disrupts the body's natural sleep cycle.
  • Create a serene, clutter-free environment with soft, calming lighting, and keep your room cool and ventilated.
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to help regulate the body's internal clock.
  • Practice Yoga Nidra in bed to enter deep relaxation. Light our Sundaram & Silence Essential Oil Candle to help you switch off and find more tranquillity. 

Read our World Sleep Day article for more tips on how to prepare for a good night’s sleep.

Annabelle Hookway-Jones