A healthy digestive fire (agni) is the cornerstone of Ayurveda and the path to feeling balanced, radiant and strong of mind, body and emotions. When the agni is disrupted with an over consumption of hard to digest foods, the body’s natural ability to burn and process begins to stagnate and form ‘ama’ – a sticky substance that spreads toxins throughout the body, causing further localised complications.

Given the uncertainty brought on by modern day living it's no surprise more of us are suffering from poor gut health, but it’s simpler than you might think to do a health reset. Cleansing and nourishing, kitchari is a traditional Ayurvedic staple and the perfect dish to get you through January without feeling in any way deprived.

This comforting meal is also a complete source of protein (as it combines legumes with grains), so the is great for energy levels (particular if you are vegan) and it's great for the immune system.

Kitchari is a sattvic (pure and nourishing) food that is balancing to all tissues and all dosha. It is best eaten for 2-21 consecutive days as a cleanse, but can also be the perfect addition to a daily routine due to its healing properties and its easily digestible nature. In ancient traditions, this delicious meal has also been given as part of panchakarma – Ayurveda’s ancient mind-body, cleansing and rejuvenation practice to strengthen the digestive and immune systems, restoring balance and wellbeing. Making this recipe a perfect balance for anyone who wants to restore and heal any element in your life. 


Ayurvedic Kitchari Healing Recipe


Mother's Quick And Easy Kitchari


"We all have childhood memories linked to food. For me, it’s my mother’s stuffed parathas on Sunday mornings, okra, saag and daal on weeknights and kitchari whenever I felt under the weather." - Anita

  • Basmati Rice
  • Split mung beans: most the major supermarkets now sell this daal and you’ll certainly find it on-line. You can use yellow and I used green, as it has a delicious nutty, creamy flavour.
  • Ghee: if you don’t have ghee, you can use a vegan-friendly oil. If you do have ghee, you would use it to cook and to add a small dollop on the top of your dish just before eating.
  • Spices: cumin seeds, ginger, garlic, turmeric, Himalayan salt, pepper chilli, fresh coriander, onions.


 1. Soak your daal for 30mins or longer. Add rice to the same bowl for 20 minutes or longer. I did rice and daal in equal parts but some do more rice and visa versa.

2. Once soaked, mix together and add to a big wide pot. From there add some spices- chilli, salt and Tumeric. Cover it and let it simmer

3. Add the ghee to another pan, add the cumin seeds to the pan and wait for them to go brown-keep frying until they are roasted beautifully.

4. Add any chopped vegetable of your choice and ginger, onion and garlic. Allow them to caramelise and then add some tomatoes.

5. Add your favourite superfood for an added boost of health.

6. Mix all together and enjoy!  


Ayurvedic Kitchari Healing Recipe


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