How to de-stress by the way you dress

You don’t need a guru to lift your spirits when feeling out of sorts. Follow the Ayurveda system by balancing your chakras with the foods you eat and the colours you wear. Be it jewellery or an item of clothing; de-stress by dressing to readdress your imbalance, you’re sure to feel better. Here are our tips on how to dress to de-stress.

  • Red to bring courage
The reality of society today is that many of us shy away from situations because we are lacking in confidence or courage. However to combat this thought process - try wearing red. The way you feel in this colour will show on your face, your posture and your overall demeanour. 

  • Orange to calm the mind
Although orange can be a controversial colour for many to look at, throwing up a whole array of emotions - wearing orange tends to give you a sense of happiness and contentment. You will feel calmer and more grounded. 

  • Yellow to advance learning and understanding
Yellow is often thought of as a happy colour, a colour of optimism. If you’re feeling as though you’re having a bad day struggling to get to grips with a complex task, wearing yellow can make you feel more at ease learning and gauging a more in-depth understanding of the task in hand. 

  • Purple to ignite inner wisdom
The rich vibrancy in purple can make you feel on top of the world, wearing this colour can give you a sense of inner wisdom - feeling that you can conquer all. 

  • Blue to influence creativity and inventiveness
If you are wanting to connect with your creative side, wearing blue can leave you with an open mind and a ready spirit to build or invent anything you heart desires. 

  • Green to bring a sense of love and compassion
Green is often associated with ‘good things’ and a mutual understanding between two people of happiness, wellness and agreement. The understanding that you feel love and compassion for one another. Wearing green can make you feel genuine love that radiates throughout your day. 

  • White to experience a connection with spirituality
White is well known for its purity and spiritual connections. Wearing something white will allow you feel deeper and closer to your inner sense of self and look at the world through a spiritual lense. 
James Oakley