mauli journal

Ayurvedic Tips For Caring For Summer Damaged Skin

Ayurvedic Tips For Caring For Summer Damaged Skin

While a little sun attributes to a warm glow, prolonged exposure causes skin to suffer with dryness, redness, and a tired complexion. From an Ayurvedic perspective, the sun's heat can...
Anita Kaushal
Improve Your Skin and Hair with the Kansa Scalp & Body Stimulator

Improve Your Skin and Hair with the Kansa Scalp & Body Stimulator

Struggling to massage your scalp for healthier hair growth or to dislodge toxins from your body for smoother, more supple skin? Our new, artisan-made Kansa Scalp & Body Stimulator can...
Anita Kaushal
acupressure kansa tool

The Benefits Of A Kansa Dome Facial Massage

We introduced the Kansa Dome to the West back in 2015, at a time when few in India had even heard of it, let alone here in the West. Since...
Anita Kaushal
Mauli’s Picks For A Smooth Transition To Spring

Mauli’s Picks For A Smooth Transition To Spring

As the colder and darker grip of winter begins to loosen, the arrival of spring invites a renewal of the mind, body and spirit. We leave behind hibernation and dormancy...
Indre Velaviciute
A 5 Star Hair Oil For Strong, Shiny And Healthy-Looking Hair, Of All Hair Types

A 5 Star Hair Oil For Strong, Shiny And Healthy-Looking Hair, Of All Hair Types

Experience the transformative ritual of hair oiling with our multi-award winning Grow Strong Hair Oil; a carefully crafted formula designed to nourish, strengthen and rejuvenate hair of all types. Drawing...
Annabelle Hookway-Jones
How to Stay Healthy This Christmas with Ayurveda

How to Stay Healthy This Christmas with Ayurveda

Amidst the whirlwind of holiday festivities, it's easy to lose sight of our health and wellbeing. While Christmas is a time for joy and celebration, it can also be a...
Indre Velaviciute
winter skincare

Winter Skincare Tips & Rituals

As the temperature outside drops and the indoor heating goes up, our skin faces new challenges. The cold, crisp air and strong winds can strip our skin of its natural...
Indre Velaviciute
hair oiling myths

Busting Hair Oiling Myths

The Ayurvedic practice of hair oiling has been deeply embedded in beauty rituals for hundreds of years, admired for its ability to nourish, strengthen and protect the hair as well...
Indre Velaviciute
Try These Simple Sleep Tips To Ease Anxiety ( According To Your Dosha )

Try These Simple Sleep Tips To Ease Anxiety ( According To Your Dosha )

Ayurvedic Nighttime Rituals For A Serene Mind: Tailored For Each Dosha In today's fast-paced and demanding world, it's becoming increasingly challenging to find the tranquillity needed for a good night's sleep....
Annabelle Hookway-Jones
Journaling for a More Positive Outlook

Journaling for a More Positive Outlook

Journaling for a More Positive Outlook: A Path to Finding More Peace and Balance Through the Doshas In our modern busy lives where overwhelm and anxiety often creep in, the practice...
Annabelle Hookway-Jones
Sleep Meditations We Love To Help Insomnia

Sleep Meditations We Love To Help Insomnia

Sleep Meditations We Love  Sleep is the elixir of life. Quality sleep is essential for our mental, emotional and physical health. In our modern lives, it’s easy to prioritise productivity...
Annabelle Hookway-Jones
Skincare Rituals For Vata Season (Autumn)

Skincare Rituals For Vata Season (Autumn)

Skincare rituals for Vata season Prepare your skin for the new season. Did you know that when the seasons change, we should adapt our rituals and routines to maintain skin...
Annabelle Hookway-Jones